Dr Lee BurtonIntegrated Medical Practitioner

Homeopathic medicine . remedies,steth

Dr Lee Burton MB BS BSc (Hons) DCH DRCOG DK(Bologna) MRCGP MFHom

Dr Lee Burton is a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy UK, also with qualifications from Bologna where he studied with the internationally renowned Dott. Massimo Mangialavori.He is a Homeopathic Physician at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, in General and Paediatric medicine, and Cancer services.

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances in tiny dilutions which, when well matched, restore the natural balancing systems of your body to relieve symptoms of illness and disease.The initial consultation seeks to understand your condition and how it affects you in some detail.Medicines are usually given in the form of tablets or drops which are pleasant to take.
For the evidence-base for the use of homeopathic medicines, go to www.trusthomeopathy.org.uk

Homeopathic doctors can help most conditions but may be particularly helpful in;
supporting cancer care and Mistletoe treatment, allergies, bowel conditions, migraine, skin and joint disorders, menstrual and menopausal problems, fatigue states , complex medical conditions, and childrens behaviour problems.Dr Burton has a special interest and expertise in supportive cancer treatment and symptom control.

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